Thursday, April 4, 2013

Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or in medical terms, hypertension, is an age-old disease that occurs mainly due to mental and physical pressures resulting from a fast-paced lifestyle and urban living.

An instrument called sphygnomanometer is used to measure blood pressure in terms of millimeters in mercury. A systolic pressure is the highest pressure reached during a heartbeat and a diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure between 2 beats. Normal blood pressure is measured at 120/80. It increases in measurement up to 160/90 as a person ages.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Initial symptoms of hypertension start as painful sensation at the back of the head and neck. This is most commonly experienced when waking up in the morning and gradually disappears.

Breathlessness, dizziness, fatigue, frequent urination, nervous tension, lung palpitations, and heartburns are conditions that are association with hypertension.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

Faulty diet and stress are the main causes of hypertension. This includes consuming of coffee, tea and refine foods, as well as indulging in smoking habits.

Body disorders such as artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), diabetes and obesity also leads to getting high blood pressure.

Excessive salt consumption, having a diet rich in fat and low in fiber will greatly increase the risk of getting hypertension.

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Take raw garlic cloves or 2-3 capsules a day. It reduces spasms of the small arteries, slows down pulse rate, and relieves symptoms of breathlessness, dizziness, numbness, and gas formation in the digestive tract.

Indian Gooseberry: 
Mix fresh amla juice, honey and Indian gooseberry and take it every morning.

Lemon juice and peels are a rich source of vitamin P that prevents weakened capillaries.

Grapefruit contains vitamin P or bioflavonoids which helps tone up the arteries.

Take liberal amount of dried and roasted watermelon seeds. They contain substance that dilates the blood vessels resulting in lower blood pressure.

Rice is low in cholesterol, fat, and salt content. It is perfectly advisable for patients with hypertension taking salt-free diets. Brown rice contains calcium that soothes and relaxes the nervous system while relieving the symptoms of hypertension.

Boil potatoes without skinning them. It contains magnesium helps lower blood pressure and absorb very little salt. It contains potassium but no sodium salts. Therefore, is highly recommended for patients taking a salt-free diet.

Simmer 20 gm of fresh parsley leaves in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. Drink several times daily. Parsley contains certain elements that help maintain the healthy condition of the arterial system.

Take ½ teaspoon of powdered rauwolfia root 3 times a day. This Indian medicine contains alkaloids that reduce the risk of hypertension. However, they also produce unpleasant side effects when taken in raw form.

Vegetable Juice:
Drink carrot and spinach juices separately 2 times daily, in the morning of evening. You can also mix 300 ml of carrot juice with 200 ml of spinach juice to create 500 ml or ½ liter of these juices to be taken daily.

Calcium and Potassium: 
 Calcium and potassium can help lower the risk of hypertension. They help the body to secrete excess sodium and promote proper function of the vascular system. Calcium can be found on dairy products and potassium is abundant in fruits and vegetables.

Diets Suggestion for High Blood Pressure

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Switch to a vegetarian diet to lower blood pressure and lessen blood clotting.

Reduce protein intake by avoiding eggs and meat for they cause blood pressure to rise. Do this along with regular exercise and proper rest.

Avoid salt, or limit its consumption from ½ teaspoon – 3 gm a day.

Other suggestions for High Blood Pressure

Take at least 8 hours of sleep.

Avoid anger, strain, tension, and worries by developing a calm and cheerful attitude.

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